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Cube Block Map


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Cube Block 1.14 and 1.12 is a small survival map, where we will appear on what we might call a floating island, although it is a floating cube in reality. Each face of this cube consists of a specific biome with its related natural resources. As for the cube is inside, we will find the usual in the subsoil, which is stone, gravel, mineral resources, caves, lava, water, dungeons and canyons etc. Will you be able to survive in this mini cube/world?

As soon as you start the map, you will find yourself inside a small wooden house. Next to the house, we will find a stone tower, which we can access through a wooden door. Next to the tower and the house, we will find a small lake to find water.

On this map, your goal will be the same as in the game, i.e. get to defeat the dragon. To do this, within this map, you can create the various portals, first of all to the Nether, where you will appear in an identical cube but based on the Nether and the End. Although the portal to the End you won’t create, you will find it in a floating cube located above the floating cube where you will appear at the game’s start. Check out the video to see how it works.

Cube Block Map

My new Skyblock Survival map, Cube Block, only consits of a minecraft cube. Every side of the block has an own biom and is crossed by caves, dungeons and canyons.

Cube Block Map Installation Guides:

  1. Download Cube Block Map file from the link(s) below/above and then extract the map
  2. Go to Start menu

    Type: %appdata%/.minecraft

     Press Enter to Run %appdata%/.minecraft

  1. Search for minecraft/saves folder

If Saves folder does not exist, create one

  1. Put Diversity 3 Map file into the saves folder
  2. Start your Minecraft with this map
  3. Enjoy!

Download Cube Block Map for Minecraft 1.14.4/1.13.2


Version 1.12.2
Version 1.14.4

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