This resource pack adds the famous Sydney Red rattler and the S Set from Sydney to Immersive Railroading. This pack if you couldn’t tell already, requires Immersive Railroading. Please note: due to Immersive Railroading not having electric support yet, they are coded in as diesel, this will of course be changed when electrics come.
Currently, The Coming S set and Tulloch Redrattler are somewhat “overpowered” due to trying to simulate “electrics” with diesel, as a result, they don’t use much fuel.
Currently Contains:
– Comeg S set – (Pre 1990s)
– Tulloch Redrattlers
– Comeg S set (after 1990s remake)
– Tulloch Prototype S set
– Tulloch double-decker trailers
What is The difference between Minecraft texture packs and resource packs?
Both are the same! There is no difference between Minecraft Texture Packs and Minecraft Resource Packs. In Java Edition, 1.6 texture packs were replaced with resource packs, which change the textures of the game and things like sounds, music, language files, fonts, splash texts, and more. Texture packs only modify the game’s decoration; resource packs can modify decorations, audio files, animations, etc.
What do mods and data packs do in Minecraft?
Mods make the game more enjoyable; change the default game code. Resource Packs change textures, sounds, models, and other resources that are already in the game. Data Packs provide a way for players to customize their Minecraft experience further.
How to install Sydney Trains pack Resource Packs for Minecraft?
- Descargar Sydney Trains pack 1.14 o Sydney Trains pack 1.12
- Abrir la carpeta .minecraft/resourcepacks.
- Pegar el archivo .zip descargado dentro de la carpeta “resourcepacks”.
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