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WorldEdit CUI Mod [With Litemod] [Fabric]


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What is WorldEdit CUI Mod?

WorldEdit CUI mod 1.16.5, 1.16.4… and 1.12.2 is a mod that is responsible for offering us various tools whose purpose is to allow us to edit large areas of terrain and create constructive patterns for large structures quickly and easily, without having to put, remove or edit blocks one by one. This tool will allow you to edit customize the terrain for your worlds or create maps with custom worlds. WorldEdit CUI allows you to work more quickly and accurately with your WorldEdit selection and is especially useful when working with Polygon, Convex Hull and Cylinder selections.

The mod will allow us to use mathematical expressions to modify the generation of terrain, sculpt ravines and mountains, teleport around the world using the command “/ jumpto” or using a new compass. Restore, through backups, to previous versions of our edited worlds. Modify the material of any block. Create multiple geometric shapes, such as cylinders or spheres, and use commands to remove, replace, or create thousands of blocks in seconds.

WorldEdit CUI Mod


  • Display your WorldEdit selection instantly in-game
  • Feel good about yourself
  • Doesn’t cause global warming

! ATTENTION ! : WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 3 has no relation with WorldEdit and does not include WorldEdit

How to use WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 3?

To use WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 3, simply make a selection on a server using WorldEdit, your selection will be instantly displayed on the screen. To clear your current selection issue the command //sel


WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 3 include : – Chunk renderer : like the forge chunk renderer but you can fully customize any colors – Distance measurer : get in game block position

How to install WorldEdit CUI Mod With Litemod?

  1. Make sure you have Litemod
  2. Download WorldEdit CUI Mod file from link(s) below/above
  3. On PC Windows, Go to the Start menu

Type:  %appdata%/.minecraft

Press Enter to Run %appdata%/.minecraft

  1. On MacOS open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  2. Go to minecraft/modsfolder
  1. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.litemod file) into the Mods folder.
  2. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

How to install WorldEdit CUI Mod With Fabric?

  1. Make sure you have installed Fabric Mod Loader and Fabric API.
  2. Download the mod for your version of the game.
  3. Put it in the ‘mods’ folder, which is located in the game folder.

Download WorldEdit CUI Mod [With Litemod] [Fabric] for Minecraft

Author: Mumfrey


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