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The CreatorPack Texture Pack


Average rating: 5

The CreatorPack Texture Pack that will modify the appearance of the various elements of the game, with a unique touch but maintaining the essence of the game.

Textures are soft, clean, and crisp, as they are twice as resolution as those predefined in Minecraft. It is a texture pack with a resolution of 32x, so it will be necessary to install Optifine to optimize the resolution increase. The textures can only be described as smooth, clean, and a lot more detailed than the default textures. Despite many changes, different itself from the game’s vanilla look, It still brings a very close and familiar feeling to the players, hitting close to the nostalgia. It doesn’t matter what you will build, “Creator” guarantees to fit that style. Whether you live in a medieval village or a futuristic city, the world around you will look great.

The CreatorPack Texture Pack

How to install The CreatorPack Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.16.4, 1.15.2, and 1.14.4?

  1. Download and install Optifine HD or MCPather HD.
  2. Download The CreatorPack Texture Pack using the link you find on the webpage. 
  3. Go to Start Menu and type %appdata%/.minecraft and press Enter. 
  4. Open the folder of the resourcepacks and move the zip file in the place you have downloaded The CreatorPack Texture Pack in Step number 2. 
  5. Paste the downloaded package file into “resourcepacks”. Now we can enjoy a new look for our world!

Download The CreatorPack Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.16.4, 1.15.2, and 1.14.4


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