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Minecraft X-Ray Ultimate Texture Packs


Average rating: 5

If you want to see through every object to detect and learn Minecraft’s inner structure, you definitely cannot miss X-ray Ultimate Texture Packs. How does it give players the experience? Let’s find out the article below about this resource pack for Minecraft right now.

What is the Minecraft X-ray Ultimate Texture Packs?

First, we need to find out about the Resource Pack(Texture Packs). That is an API (short for Application Programming Interface) capable of helping you customize Minecraft from texture, color to models according to your needs without changing the game’s server.

And the name of this resource pack says it all. X-ray Ultimate Texture Packs will help you more efficiently and quite quickly. It is due to such characteristics as seeing through an object and displaying its internal structure.

Experiences when playing X-ray Ultimate Texture Packs

X-Ray Ultimate Texture Packs

  1. This resource pack is quite small in size, light in weight, and it is designed to be compatible with common machine configurations.
  2. Locate ore easily. X-ray Ultimate Texture Packs enables you to look for mine when this resource pack provides the ore’s coordinates. You will be able to know their exact location. In particular, that will save you a lot of time as you mine.
  3. When it gets dark, it will be quite difficult to observe because the image and sharpness of Minecraft are reduced with X-ray.

A few questions about the X-ray Ultimate Texture Packs

Is X-ray Ultimate compatible with Minecraft’s Vani server?


How do I install this resource pack?

Resource Pack (Texture Pack) Installation Guides:

  1. Download Resource Pack in ZIP file format and do not Unzip it
  2. Download and Install Optifine or MC Patcher for better resource pack performance.

Optifine is preferred as it includes all of the features of MCPatcher and it increases game speeds and graphics settings

However, MC Patcher is needed for your hurry.

  1. Go to minecraft/resourcepacks where minecraft stores all resource packs. This step depends on your operating system:
    1. Windows: %AppData%.minecraftresourcepacks
    2. Linux: ~/.minecraft/resourcepacks (This folder may be hidden in the Home Folder)
    3. Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/resourcepacks (This folder may be hidden)
  1. Put the resource pack (ZIP file) in the opened folder
  2. The resource pack is applied after a few seconds.
  3. Enjoy your new world with this resource pack

Is this resource pack difficult to play?



X-Ray Ultimate Texture Packs Installation Guides:

  1. Make sure you have Optifine or MC Patcher for better texture pack performance.

Optifine is preferred as it includes all of the features of MCPatcher and it increases game speeds and graphics settings

However, MC Patcher is needed for your hurry.

  1. Download X-Ray Ultimate Texture Pack file from the link(s) below
  2. Search for “%appdata% from “run” search bar
  3. Go to minecraft/texturepacks folder
  4. Put the file downloaded in step 2 without unzipping into “texturepacks “ folder
  5. Enjoy your new world with this texture pack

Note: Please make sure you create a backup before installing any texture packs so you won’t have any issues with Minecraft.

We hope this article will be useful to you. Have a good time playing Minecraft.

Download X-Ray Ultimate Texture Packs 1.16.4-1.16.2-1.15.2-1.14.4-1.12.2


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