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The secret to becoming a great demon hunter in Diablo Immortal


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Whether you are familiar with Diablo Immortal or new players, it is very important to learn the game because this slashing game has many hidden things. Besides understanding the character classes, players need to keep themselves alive in the dungeon, promoting equipment to fight in PvP,… In this article, let’s learn some diablo immortal tips to help gamers grasp some advantages when entering the dark world.

The Diablo series has been on the throne of the action role-playing genre for decades.

Choose the right character class when playing Diablo Immortal

In any role-playing game, character selection is something that needs to be carefully considered. No one wants to fall into the scene for a while, earn a lot of things, and realize that they are not very interested in the chosen character, right?
So you have to start all over again with a new character. For Diablo Immortal, choosing the character to play is really important. Because the game will have absolutely no common stock for the characters, you will not be able to convert items from one character to another.

Moreover, certain rewards in the Battle Pass can only be received for a single character in an account.
That is, if you create a new character, you won’t be able to get that reward back.

At the beginning of the game, players must choose 1 word in 6 classes: Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Necromancer and Wizard. Some classes, such as the Barbarian, specialize in violent melee attacks, while others, such as the Wizard, are suitable for long-range battles thanks to the use of elemental magic. All 6 classes are feasible, although a few classes are a little simpler.

For example, necromancer is a very versatile wizard capable of becoming a skeleton-centric pet class, a monster that defends with a bone wall, or an AoE chain reaction nightmare using corpse explosion. Some layers may be better than others if minimized for PvP or PvE, but they all have considerable depth and diversity. The best starting option is anything the player is interested in.

For Diablo Immortal, choosing the character to play is really important

Skill training and flexible build in Diablo Immortal 

Although Diablo Immortal doesn’t have many skill trees, it still boasts a variety of unlockable powers. As the character levels up, new skills will be available and older skills will thrive. In addition, powerful equipment will enhance skills further, by increasing the power of existing effects or by completely replacing those effects.


As the character levels up, new skills will be available and older skills will thrive

Finding your favorite skills and developing strategies around them in the early hours of play is natural, but playing with new skills and building combinations will be beneficial. Even if the player does not think that a certain skill will suit the preferences and gameplay then trying new skills is worth it, as it can reveal an unexpected combination of powers.

Form or join a Warband

Warband is a party feature with up to 8 members.
Each warband will show the overall goal that the team is aiming for so that you can find the right warband.

Joining Warband will help you get a lot of benefits

Joining Warband will help you get more benefits than just setting up a regular party!

For example, there is a 5% increase in the rate of dropping items when hitting monsters or the possibility of receiving warband chests containing rare items. All of them can be put into the warband stash for the members to use together.

Manage your health carefully

Players have 3 additional blood vessels when recovering. Between uses of blood vessels there is also a short recovery period, so there should be tactics when choosing the right time to deploy them in combat. Killing enemies and inflicting significant damage on the boss also causes the red blood spheres to drop, and collecting them will restore the same health as when using a blood vessel.

Players have 3 additional blood vessels when recovering.

Gamers can take these spheres even if they have just consumed the ball or other blood vessel. How difficult it is to control your health depends on the gameplay and class on the front lines. Whether you’re taking a hit as a Barbarian or standing back and avoiding harm like the Wizard, knowing when to consume a vial, when to snatch a bloodball or withdraw completely is an important skill for surviving certain tough battles.

Remove unnecessary equipment

Like other dungeon discovery games, Diablo Immortal offers players a lot of spoils. Killing demons, opening chests and completing missions will cause gold, gems, weapons and armor to fall off.

Players should remove unnecessary equipment

Diablo Immortal has a solution for excess equipment. Any equipment that the player does not need can be broken down at a blacksmith, located in the safe zone of the central area.

Doing so will reward the player with scrap items used to upgrade the equipment. Upgrading the equipment requires a significant amount of material, so the player should take every item possible and bring it back to town to destroy.

Secondary tasks provide quick rewards

While it’s tempting to focus on the main story, ploughing one task after another, there are good reasons to temporarily leave the main road and pursue side goals.

Some parts of the main story are limited, requiring players to reach a certain level before continuing. Although the main plot missions bring significant rewards to new players, sometimes the completion of side missions is also necessary to complete the final level before continuing.

The expedition can reward gold gamers and treasures

The expedition can reward gold gamers and treasures, which will help strengthen and complete the main mission more easily. Rift and Bounties challenges can be especially useful in earning some extra rewards, helping characters develop their powers and equipping them with specialized equipment to build a character.

Thanks to being refreshed daily, Bounties is a powerful source of additional experience. Diablo Immortal also offers daily rewards for playing and destroying monsters, which can help gamers take down dangerous enemies from the dungeon.

How to level up effectively?

As with other fighting games, you have to destroy monsters and perform missions to earn experience points.
Diligently carry out the task according to the game plot and your character will level up regularly.
However, there will be times when you have completed the task, but the game requires a higher level to continue to perform the task according to the plot.
At this time, not everyone wants to go around the ring until the new level is enough.
Fortunately, Diablo Immortal offers players a variety of activities so you can collect points such as participating in dungeon fighting, hitting Elder Crift.
Or do missions in Battle Pass, hit monsters in hidden lairs… along with that are many side tasks for you to level up quickly.
Therefore, you will hardly fall into the scene of having nothing left to do in Diablo Immortal.

Get experience points from battle passes when you really need them

At the early levels, you won’t have to worry about leveling up when the number of tasks is so high that you can level up regularly.

However, for example, having to reach the required level to unlock the main task as mentioned above, you will need to reach the experience point of battle pass.

The reason is that the experience points in the battle pass will be hoarded depending on the level of the character.
That’s the same reward, but if you get it when you reach level 40 it’s more when you get at level 20.
This is why you should consider when receiving a battle pass bonus.

Keep all the legendary items you earn

In the game, there is a feature called Essence Transfer, you just do the task according to the plot and will gradually unlock this feature.
Essence Transfer allows you to separate the legendary stats of legendary equipment and store them in an archive.
Then you can replace that indicator with the power of another legendary equipment.

This will help maximize the power of the equipment when there are also necessary indicators for the character class along with the legendary index.
This means that you will have to find a lot of legendary equipment to be able to separate their legendary stats. From there, there are more options to graft into the character’s equipment.

Challenge for dignity with gambling feature

Once you reach level 35, you unlock a feature called Gambling. This feature allows you to challenge your dignity with random items. You can buy these items in gold.
If you choose to buy a weapon, it will probably be a regular weapon, a rare weapon, or also a legendary weapon. The same goes for other equipment groups.
The indicators of the equipment will also be completely random. It all depends on your luck.

Once you reach level 35, you’ll unlock a feature called Gambling.

You need to note that the level of equipment you open will correspond to the character level. So, if you don’t feel it’s necessary, you can save them to open at higher levels.
Each day, you can only exchange up to 25 items.

Unlock the Helliquary feature as quickly as possible

Another notable new feature of Diablo Immortal is Helliquary. This is an important feature that needs to be unlocked quickly and start accumulating levels for it, similar to battle passes.
After completing the mission in Bilefen, you will return to Westmarch and meet NPC Rayoc. At this point you will receive a mission to hit the Rift to unlock Helliquary.

Helliquary is an important feature that needs to be unlocked quickly

After completing this task, you will receive a Scoria tablet, which will help you upgrade your Helliquary.
The higher helliquary level, the greater the rate of monster dropping when hitting monsters in the Rift.
After that, you can continue to upgrade Helliquary by performing the daily task of battle pass to earn more Scoria tablets.


With the above useful tips, we hope your gaming experience will be more complete.
There will be no obstacles to prevent your footsteps in your journey to become a hero of sanctuary land.




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