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Basic Elements Mod


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The Basic Elements Mod 1.16.5,1.12.2,1.11.2 and 1.10.2 gives us a new possibility when it comes to performing ranged attacks. As you know, by default, we can only attack from a distance by using arrows, with the bow, or with the crossbow. These ranged attack elements are elemental orbs. The throwing of these orbs is similar to throwing a snowball. Ranged attacks, using elemental orbs, with impact damage and damage from special effects.

At the moment, you can make use of a maximum of eight elemental orbs. Of these eight orbs, we find four natural elements: fire, water, air, and earth. There are also two-dimensional orbs, which are Nether and Aether. Finally, we see the creative and invisible sphere, which you can only get from the creative’s tab.

For example, the ground orb causes elemental damage to the impacted entity. The fire orb, in addition to impact damage, will set the entity on fire. In addition to causing impact damage, the air orb will throw the feature into the air and take fall damage. The water orb will cause impact damage, especially to those entities susceptible to this fluid.

Basic Elements Mod

-Made a small change and cleaned up the code. 

-Aether orbs now come from the sky again when holding shift and pressing right click. Throwing one will make it go straight.

-Water orbs now deal damage to things they normally do when hitting them.

-Fire orbs are thrown straight and always thrown accurately. When they’re thrown farther they explode more. They go out when it rains, although are able to function. Shift right click will make the player throw one about the same way as if you right click, but at a shorter distance. If they make impact at too short of a distance then it will not explode or catch anything on fire.

-Nether orbs are thrown straight and accurately in a similar way.

-Made some particle changes.

-Added sounds.

-All orbs work in the dispenser.


-Invisible orb can be changed into anything that’s a .json. You can change the name by going into .lang file found in the .jar, where there are the quotations is the only part that needs to be changed. Changing the .png will generate an item model and entity as long as the image is the same size as one of the other photos for an item.

What’s in the mod?

In this mod you will find 8 spell orbs. All of them are found in “The Basic Elements” creative tab.

The Orbs feature the 4 natural elements; Water, Earth, Fire, Air. There are two spiritually elemental orbs as well; Nether and Aether. If that’s not enough, there’s 2 creative only orbs, Creative, and Invisible Orb respectively. With these you can create your own spells. There is also a leaping_fire_orb summon entity if you feel like building a Mario dungeon or an erupting volcano.

Each Orb can be thrown like a snowball. They are very accurate and have a smooth flight path.


Air Orb:

  • Puts space between you and your enemy.
  • Sprint towards an enemy, jump, then hit them in the face with one of these to perform a double jump over them.
  • Flies the furthest of all the orbs.
  • Shift + right click lobs the orb into the air above the player. After taking a step back, one can jump into them and get a nice little jump boost. *If the winds are in your favor and you have good timing of course.

Fire Orb:

  • Flies straight when thrown as if gravity had no affect.
  • On impact it will catch entities on fire. If no impact is made, the Fire Orb will decelerate, then explode.
  • Has a lifetime of 105 ticks. If this hits a block it will “fail” making a nice little “plop” noise along with some particles.
  • That doesn’t go to say it doesn’t damage blocks though. Only ignites creepers and explodes if it is not wet.
  • Carries the Fuse and ExplosionPower NBT tags. For more details of how the NBTs work for this read, “Leaping Fire Orb”.
  • Shift + right click will allow you to throw the fire orb a shorter distance, providing a more manageable way to blow things up. Half the distance to be exact.

Earth Orb:

  • Hard to throw and landing fast.
  • The Earth Orb does standard base damage to things it hits.
  • Its dirt.

Water Orb:

  • Does a nice/fair amount of damage to the following:
    • Enderman
    • Snowman
    • Blaze
    • Magma Cube
  • Lobs through the air, going a bit further than the earth orb.
  • If an entity hit with this is on fire, this will extinguish the entity.
  • Also does minute damage to Slimes.
  • Shift + right click lobs the orb slightly upwards then it comes down and splashes on you. (puts you out if you’re on fire.)

Nether Orb:

  • Travels through things, like walls, and entities.
  • If you find yourself in a situation of needing crowd control or hitting something from the other side of the wall, this is it.
  • Flies almost as far as the air orb. (“If the specific gravity is greater than 1 the gas is heavier than air and the vapor will be found low;”)
  • As it requires a diamond pickaxe to be able to craft one of these, and they are single use, these do just a little more damage than a diamond sword.

Aether Orb:

  • Gives what you hit with it some health, regeneration, speed, and a jump boost. (also a slight dash of strength)
  • Effects lasting 10 seconds.
  • Good for villager safe keeping and elytra.
  • Extremely strong against the undead. Hitting anything else with them will most likely result in death.
  • Shift + right click will channel the aether orb through space and time to be called down from the sky and imbue its wielder with the energies of life.

Invisible Orb:

  • Does a base damage of 3 to entities, can be customized with textures, particles, and things like that to create your own spell to fling around. assets –> guru –> textures –> entity –> invisible_orb
  • .png must be named invisible_orb (case sensitive).
  • Standard flight path entity.
  • Can also be executed underneath an entity with a repeating command block to add upward lift.
  • Does not originally damage players.

Creative Orb:

  • Supports the same NBT tags as Fireworks. Is also invisible.
  • Throws accurately and creatively.
  • This is more like a detonation device or maybe something for beefy arrow trails. Good for volcanoes too. In Combination with explosions and other things (llama_spit being one of those things) these can demonstrate quantum mechanics such as cell division/growth, multidimensional quantum fields, and cellular differentiation.
  • No pew noise.
  • Example command:
    • /summon guru.creative_orb ~ ~ ~

Leaping Fire Orb:

  • Being a summon only entity, there is no item for this one. It is mainly for makings of creative fiery things.
  • The way this entity flies is more like a snowball or arrow, in the way that if it goes up, it goes down. So, summoning it with the motion NBT tag will allow you to summon a fireball that’s not stuck going in one direction.
  • These have explosive and fire damage that affect entities but not blocks.
  • Fire orbs are visible at night, and in water.
  • Can ignite creepers only if it is not raining.
  • If summoned by a command block with ExplosionPower and the fuse goes off, these will damage blocks and entities.
  • If summoned by command with Long fuse and explosion power, the Fire Orb must hit an entity for it to explode with given ExplosionPower.
  • The fire orb supports the {ExplosionPower:#} and {Fuse:#} NBT tags.
  • Example Command:
    • 0 for shortest fuse, 383 for longest.
    • /summon guru.fire_orb ~ ~11 ~ {Fuse:10,ExplosionPower:10,Motion:[0.0,0.0,0.0]}

Crafting Recipes:


Which is the latest version of Minecraft Forge?
The latest version of Minecraft Forge is 1.16.5. The latest recommended version of Minecraft Forge is 1.15.2; Minecraft Forge (Modding API) is heavily installed at versions 1.15.2,1.12.2. Some mods require a specific version of Minecraft Forge. New version of Minecraft Forge 1.16.5 has less testing, and many mods do not support it.

How do you download Minecraft Forge?
First, head to Minecraft forge and download the program. You want to make sure that you download the version of Forge that corresponds to the version of Minecraft you have, Select the Minecraft Forge menu on the right side of this website.

Do you have to have Minecraft to use forge?
Yes, Make sure you have Minecraft installed.Minecraft Forge only works for Minecraft: Java Edition. Minecraft for PC, XBox One and PS4 cannot be modded.

Is modding Minecraft illegal?
No, modding Minecraft is not illegal.

Related Mods:

How to install Basic Elements Mod With Forge

  1. Make sure you have Minecraft Forge
  2. Download Basic Elements Mod file from link(s) below/above
  3. On PC Windows, Go to the Start menu

Type:  %appdata%/.minecraft

Press Enter to Run %appdata%/.minecraft

  1. On macOS open finder, hold down ALT, and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  2. Go to minecraft/mods folder

If Mods folder does not exist, create one

  1. Put Basic Elements Mod file into the mods folder
  2. Launch Minecraft using Forge Profile, then Open Menu
  3. Now we can find tea trees in Minecraft!

Minecraft Forge(Modding API) Installation Guide

5 steps to successfully install Forge Minecraft

1. Access and Download select Minecraft forge version, then download the installer.

2. Requires installing Java on a computer. Open the .jar file you just downloaded, make sure ‘Install Client’ is selected, and click the OK button.

3. Run Minecraft and select the Forge profile, then click Play.

4. Select the Minecraft Forge menu on the left and the Mods button below Multiplayer.

5. Successfully, you can enjoy the mod just installed.

Download Basic Elements Mod for Minecraft 1.16.5,1.12.2,1.11.2 and 1.10.2

Version 1.8.9
Version 1.9
Version 1.9.4
Version 1.10.2
Version 1.11.0
Version 1.12.2

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