Download GraveStone Mod 1.17.1/1.12.2/1.7.10 for Minecraft. Awesome!
GraveStone Mod 1.17.1/1.12.2/1.7.10 helps Minecraft players have a position to place their graves after they die. Besides, they can regain the items by breaking the burial pit and more. Start to uncover other information now!

Basic functionality and minor tips
In case you have fallen down, a grave will appear at your spot.
In case you need to retrieve your stuff, you can hit and destroy it.
There is a config option. It allows you to take back whichever by moving furtively to that location. It is only for v1.16.3+.
Whenever you right-click the goal, the date of the death of the character will be visible.
Key features of GraveStone Mod
There are various important features found in GraveStone Mod.
Sorting (1.16.3+):
After the release of the versions, from 1.16.3 to 2.0.0, that object is capable of storing your assets back into their earliest slots.
The Obituary:
Each time you cannot survive anymore, you will receive an obituary. If you dont like it, you can disable the functionality in the Config section.
It often comprises the name, the dimension you died in, the date, the coordinates. Besides, there will be an image, a list of things you owned. You can turn on the automatic removal in the Config to avoid keeping that notice after retaking the property.
Naming the Grave:
After a touch to make the target broken, you will have it dropped as a product. Remember that you can craft graves in GraveStone Mod!
Giving them a name will occur in an anvil. Its helpful for you to retain custom text on the surface.
You can adjust or edit a lot of elements in the configs.
The color of the text
When the skull needs to be rendered
The plocks that can be replaced
If the death note ought to be detached from the inventory when destroying a sepulcher
If only the bosses can remove it
When a ghost of the player should crop up when that room is demolished
If the soul is not dangerous and guards the gamer or if it attacks them
In the event that the tomb is smashed when lurking on
If tools are put back into their first holes while breaking
Recovering Lost Items (1.16.3+):
Once you lost anything, you can recover it with the corresponding command.
The syntax is /restore.
The parameter player is the one whose store will come back.
The parameter death_id is the ID of the death. Its feasible to seek it by switching on the advanced tooltips (F3 + H) and the obituary. The ID will be into the logs if a grave cannot set.
The final parameter determines whether you will restore or add.
Its possible to get a pre-made recapture command by acting secretly and right-clicking the obituary as an admin.
Other cases:
After you die inside a block, the grave will come into view at the adjacent empty space above your point. If there is not free block above your zone or you are aloft the build limit, your pieces will drop.
If you are in the void, it is at Y=1.
Play GraveStone Mod and you will loot several benefits, especially when you have died. To dig deeper into the content, please install Minecraft Forge at first!
How to GraveStone Mod
Here is the best guide to help you launch GraveStone
- Firstly, make sure that you have successfully installed Minecraft Forge and Mantle Mod!
- Set the right location for the Minecraft application folder
- From the Windows, please access Run on the Start Menu. Then, type %appdata% and choose the Run button.
- From the Mac Open Finder, press down Alt and Left-click on Go -> Library on the top-screen menu bar. Enter the folder Application Support and search for Minecraft!
- Drop the mod GraveStone that you have already downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods directory!
- After you embark on Minecraft and left-click on the Mods icon, you will find GraveStone is set up!
GraveStone Mod Download Links
Something You Should Know:
- We do not modify or edit the files in any way.
- We use only links from the official developer, they are 100% safe.
- If you have any questions about GraveStone Mod 1.17.1/1.12.2/1.7.10, please leave a comment below and we will help you.
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