Epic Fight Mod 1.16.5/1.12.2 will bring into the world of Minecraft tons of polished animations and new attack poses, thereby greatly improving the game in the combat aspect as well. like walking animation. For a long time, players have always wanted a new position and mechanism in combat.
With the improvements and additions added through Epic Fight Mod, all your wishes will come true. With this Mod, gamers will have more different options on how to approach a duel against hostile entities.
For example, you can move quickly and eliminate opponents by performing a sprint attack, or do it slowly and accurately using a special attack. No matter which feature the player decides to use, the battles will definitely become more interesting and better than usual.
- A New Set of Animations are added into the game.
Netherite Weapons
In the mod option screen
Long Press Counter: How many ticks it’ll take to recognized as long press (Used for special attack)
FIlter Animation: Disable the animated model when the player is not in battle mode.
In the world
/gamerule hasFallAnimation true/false
Determines if there’s a landing animation when falling from a high place
/gamerule speedPenaltyPercent 0~100
Determines the penalty degree from player’s weight attribute
/gamerule doVanillaAttack true/false
Determines if the player can do a vanilla style attack.
How to install Epic Fight Mod With Forge
- Make sure you have Minecraft Forge
- Download Epic Fight Mod file from link(s) below/above
- On PC Windows, Go to the Start menu
Type: %appdata%/.minecraft
Press Enter to Run %appdata%/.minecraft
- On macOS open finder, hold down ALT, and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
- Go to minecraft/mods folder
If Mods folder does not exist, create one
- Put Epic Fight Mod file into the mods folder
- Launch Minecraft using Forge Profile, then Open Menu
- Now we can find tea trees in Minecraft!