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Battered Old Stuff Texture Pack


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Battered Old Stuff 1.16.4, 1.15.2, and 1.12 is a texture pack that, as the name suggests, adds textures that will give an old, rusty, and worn touch to the blocks and objects in the game. Textures will feature designs and details that simulate metal rusting, faded paints, and wood worn over time.

It’s a texture pack that has a resolution of 64x, higher than the default resolution of the game, so you’ll have to make use of Optifine to take advantage of the potential of the textures and optimize the performance of the game.

Have you ever found one of the old items in your grandpa’s basement and wonder what it does? You’ll find them here, by installing Battered Old Stuff. This Pack will definitely give you the old-time atmosphere.

How to install Battered Old Stuff Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.16,1.15, 1.14 and 1.12?

  1. Download and install Optifine HD or MCPather HD.
  2. Download Battered Old Stuff Texture Pack using the link you find on the webpage. 
  3. Go to Start Menu and type %appdata%/.minecraft and press Enter. 
  4. Open the folder of the resourcepacks and move the zip file in the place you have downloaded Battered Old Stuff Texture Pack in Step number 2. 
  5. Paste the downloaded package file into “resourcepacks”. Now we can enjoy a new look for our world!


BOS Core 1.16 2-Sep-2020

– added some more Fence Gates (Acacia, Birch, Jungle, Spruce)
– added hinges and latches to the Fence Gates
– addded Fletching Table
– addded Campfire
– tweaked Connected Slabs (Cobblestone, Sandstone, Brick)
– tweaked Fences

Download Battered Old Stuff Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.16,1.15 and 1.12.2


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